World Sunday for Peace, 22 May 2011
Celebrate with the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Jamaica
On Sunday, 22 May 2011, in a worldwide event, churches in every corner of the world are invited to celebrate God’s gift of peace. Those who take part will be together in spirit, song and prayer with the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) in Jamaica, united in the hope of peace.
The suggested text for the Sunday is Ephesians 2, where Christ “who is our peace” makes peace among us and creates “one new humanity”. Reconciled in Christ we are “no longer strangers and aliens” but members of the household of God. Read a Bible meditation on Ephesians 2:14-22 by Elsa Tamez.
Churches and Christians are indeed called to be peacemakers in their communities and in the wider spheres of government, business and the environment. It is a call to unity – across borders – for the sake of peace.
A song for the day says, “O God replenish your peace in the midst of all your people”.
As parishes in each time zone gather for worship and prayer on Sunday, 22 May 2011, a wave of praise and prayer for peace will encircle the world. All churches and congregations are invited to use a peace prayer written by the Caribbean hosts of the IEPC in their worship that day.
Available for download:
- A booklet with hymns and prayers (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- A poster for your notice board (pdf, 142 KB)
- Translations of the peace prayer (Arabic, Armenian, Aymara, Chinese, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Kiswahili, Korean, Maohi, Norwegian, Oshiwambo, Portuguese, Romanian, Samoan, Spanish, Swedish)