Bits and Peaces
Newsletter of the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC)
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Click on the links below to read the different issues of the IEPC newsletter "Bits and Peaces":
Issue no 9 (Winter 2010/2011)
- Nikos Kosmidis
As we are approaching the end of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) and look towards the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC), that will take place in Kingston, Jamaica, 17 - 25 May 2011, it is a good time to stand and reflect on the moments of peace and violence our world has experienced in these past ten years.
Issue no 8 (Summer 2010)
- Alba Luz Arrieta Cabrales
Members of the 2nd Drafting group for the Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace, Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), met in Bogotá, Colombia, March 20-26 2010. The reflection from the perspective of the Colombian reality, enriched and reaffirmed the development of the Just Peace document as an urgent task, which needs to take into account the principles of life and human rights. We hope the Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace will be approved at the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Jamaica, and will result in a broad consensus of a process where all traditions and people of good will can feel heard and will want to commit themselves. Read more...
Issue no 7 (Spring 2010)
“The Lord is risen, the Lord is risen indeed!” This call will go around the whole world on Easter Sunday, because the eastern and western churches will celebrate Easter together once again this year. It will announce the victory of hope over disappointment, of peace over violence and of life over death. In February this year 90 people working for peace met at a seminar near Munich. Together they took a look back at the past ten years, which were characterized by the commitment to the decade to overcome violence, and reflected on what the German contribution to the Peace Convocation 2011 and beyond could be. In some areas progress has been made in bringing about less violence and more peace. Read more...
Issue no 6 (Winter 2009/2010)
Once upon a time, there were some discarded pieces of wood that were roughly fastened together to make a feeding trough for animals. Usually the trough was kept full of hay and straw, but for a short time in Palestine, it cradled a new born baby; cradled the stories of shepherds, of angels singing Glory to God and Peace on Earth. It cradled stories of a star and long journeys, Gold, Incense, Myrrh. In our tradition stories seem to gather around babies, the struggles from barrenness to birth, the clustering of hope of new beginnings, the dangerous, mysterious, fragile journey from conception to birth. Think of the stories of Hagar and Sarah, of Hannah and Rachel, of Elizabeth and Mary. Read more...
Issue no 5 (Summer 2009)
"Waiting anxiously for visas, routing and re-routing tickets, long waits at airports, enthusiastically planning the visit but also anxious at what awaits the team, expectantly looking out for the hosts who are to meet team members at the airport, fighting jet lag and getting used to a new bed – all this too is part of the Living Letters experience! St Paul may not have had to deal with such experiences when he sent out his teams! But, then what one can count as common, is finally meeting with the hosts, the churches, the people and communities in the country – listening to their warm words of welcome and appreciation that an ecumenical team of men and women from many parts of the world is visiting them. This makes the whole exercise so worthwhile!" Read more...
Issue no 4 (Spring 2009)
"It is with a sense of excitement and deep anticipation that the Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) and the Jamaica Council of Churches (JCC), along with the wider Caribbean and Jamaican community, begin the process of preparation for the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) to be held in Kingston, Jamaica. We recognize the awesome responsibility, even as we commit to making it a memorable and life changing experience for all those who will attend and those who will benefit subsequently from the various reports and sharing. We welcome warmly Nan Braunschweiger, the newly appointed IEPC Coordinator, and look forward to a wonderful and enriching working relationship." Read more...
Issue no 3 (Winter 2008/2009)
"Glory to God when there's peace for women! In this edition, we will focus specifically on violence against women, which continues to engage international media attention and our church societies. The challenge now is to maintain the momentum that led the ecumenical movement to identify overcoming violence against men, women and our children as a priority. The IEPC affords us a unique opportunity to continue to translate that commitment into meaningful action in this the Decade to Overcome Violence." Read more...
Issue no 2 (Summer 2008)
"It is with much pleasure that I write a few lines of introduction for this second issue of Bits and Peaces. As of 1 September I will assume the role of Coordinator for the IEPC. After a career of 20 years at the WCC - in the Commission on the Churches Participation in Development [CCPD], Conference Office of the General Secretariat and Income Monitoring and Development - I am honoured to be entrusted with this responsibility and very much look forward to the challenges, trials and surely joys that await us all." Read more...
Issue no 1 (Spring 2008)
"It is a joyful moment for me to see the first number of our E-Bulletin appear on your screens. In three years the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation will take place in Kingston, Jamaica. So it is high time to offer you relevant materials in order to become engaged in this unique event. The motto that we have chosen for the Convocation affirms a counter message: "Glory to God and Peace on Earth" - these words from the well-known Christmas story open up a different horizon. The motto insists that the peace of God is the energy that keeps the world going." Read more...
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