04.02.10 12:17 Age: 2 yrs

Palestine-Israel Ecumenical Forum launches website and newsletter


http://pief.oikoumene.org is a new website launched by the Palestine-Israel Ecumenical Forum geared to providing a springboard for advocacy, public education, and mobilization. The forum's role consists in convening networks for common action in order to generate church-based awareness raising and advocacy for peace in the Middle East. The website will provide support for actions with partner churches and ecumenical organizations focussing on the following areas:


1.   challenging government support for the occupation

2.   challenging public support for the occupation

3.   challenging theological and biblical justifications for the occupation and

4.   maintaining a viable Palestinian Christian presence in the Holy Land.


A regular newsletter will provide up-to-date information on Christian campaigns for a just peace and an overview of the latest news from an ecumenical perspective.


Read  the first issue of the newsletter