01.09.09 13:00 Age: 3 yrs

WCC upholds right to refuse military service


The World Council of Churches Central Committee on Tuesday, 1 September, adopted a minute on the right of conscientious objection to military service. It cites a recent WCC study showing "that in many places churches face challenges of conscientious objection", which allows those whose conscience prohibits them from military service to engage in alternate means of service.


The minute reiterates WCC support for the right of conscientious objection. It calls on member churches to "uphold the right of refusal to bear and use arms" wherever possible and encourages them to speak to their governments and military organizations about the issue. It also encourages churches to study the related issues and to pray for peace.


Full text of the minute


Full text of the 2009 study  "The Right of Conscientious Objection to Military Service", prepared for the WCC Central Committee by the office of the WCC Decade to Overcome Violence.


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