20.03.09 09:24 Age: 3 yrs

Christian women and men speak out against gender-based violence


"Women and Men united to end violence against women and girls" was the vision discussed during a lunch-time lecture at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland on 12 March.


Following an introduction into the topic by Sarah Davies of the World YWCA, Marlon Zakeyo, who is a human rights lawyer from Zimbabwe, and Professor Vera Baboun of the University of Bethlehem spoke about the challenge to address violence against women when the public opinion is completely focused on so-called "big politics".


The event was co-organized by the World Council of Churches, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, Ecumenical Women's Group in Geneva and the World YWCA.


Listen to the presentations by Zakeyo and Baboun (25 min)


Read more about the event on the World YWCA website


WCC work on Women in church and society


Decade to Overcome Violence