10.03.08 18:04 Age: 4 yrs

WCC expresses sorrow to victims' families, condemns attack on Jewish seminary


Education for peace and reconciliation were among the issues raised at a meeting with the two chief rabbis of Israel, Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger (centre) and Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar (right), when Kobia (left) visited the region last summer.

"We express our sincere sorrow and sympathy to the families of those who were killed or injured in the shootings last week at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem," said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia on 10 March, joining his voice to those of the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem. "An attack on a Jewish seminary has a profound impact on all people of faith. The World Council of Churches strongly condemns this attack."


Referring to a statement issued one week ago condemning the attacks on civilians in the Gaza strip and Israel, he reiterated his call for the "incessant violations of life and human rights to stop." "Such acts of terror are abhorrent," he said. "A grim reminder of the continuing cycle of violence, they increase the sense of grief, sorrow, anger and outrage among both Israelis and Palestinians."


"Despite the tragic consequences of this situation, rather than allow it to inflame more violence, we pray that it will encourage all those concerned to redouble their efforts, to all the more vigorously pursue peace." said Kobia.


WCC "absolutely condemns" attacks on civilians in Gaza and Israel


More information on WCC work to accompany churches in the Middle East