02.01.08 15:47 Age: 4 yrs

WCC calls for political solution and independent investigation in Kenya's electoral dispute


The disputed result of the recent presidential election has led to an explosion of violence in Kenya that has already killed about 300 people.
Photo: Joseph Karoki

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia has called on the leaders of Kenya's two main political parties to "turn urgently from partisan postures and negotiate in good faith to reach a non-violent, political solution" to the country's electoral dispute. In a statement made public on 2 January, Kobia affirmed that "an independent investigation of the electoral dispute is necessary and should be monitored by international observers".


While the disputed result of the recent presidential election has led to an explosion of violence that has already killed about 300 people, the WCC general secretary, a Kenyan himself, called the political leaders to "put the interests of the nation and the surrounding region above other concerns".


The statement also calls on the churches of Kenya to "do their part in pursuing the common good of their communities and country" by fulfilling their role "in ensuring respect for human life and seeking reconciliation between neighbours". This is something "especially urgent amid ominous signs of ethnically targeted hatred and violence", affirmed Kobia.


The statement appeals to churches abroad to provide humanitarian aid through ecumenical partners in Kenya to communities affected by the violence.



Full text of the WCC statement on post-election violence in Kenya