07.08.07 16:39 Age: 5 yrs

WCC internship programme 2008


The interns currently working at the WCC.

The World Council of Churches (WCC) will welcome five young people (aged 18-30 years) to serve as interns in its Geneva offices from February 2008 to January 2009. Interns bring valuable experiences to the WCC at the same time as they undertake several modules of ecumenical learning.


The next 12 months' internship period begins in February 2008. In Geneva, the interns will be assigned to one of the WCC working areas. They will carry out their tasks in co-operation with programme staff and under individualized supervision. During their stay in Geneva each intern is expected to plan an ecumenical project to implement in his or her home context when they return in February 2009.


The next generation of interns' areas of work will be 1. the Decade to Overcome Violence; 2. youth and ecumenical relationships; 3. visitors programme/media relations; 4. faith, science, technology and ethics; and 5. just & inclusive communities.


Successful candidates are people committed to the ideals of the ecumenical movement, who will bring their energy, commitment and a fresh vision to their specific work assignment. Applicants must send, along with their application, background information about their church or Christian youth network that will help them in implementing their proposed ecumenical project.


Closing date for receiving applications for the five internships is 20 September 2007.


More information on the WCC internship programme


Read a personal report from the WCC's current interns


Download the application form as pdf (172 KB) or as MS Word document (1.36 MB)


Download the background information form as pdf (119 KB) or as MS Word document (627 KB)