19.05.06 10:22 Age: 6 yrs

São Paulo violence: WCC writes to Brazil's churches


Writing to the churches of Brazil from the World Council of Churches' executive committee meeting in Geneva, WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia and central committee moderator Rev. Dr Walter Altmann convey the Council's "solidarity and prayers" to the victims of recent gang violence in São Paulo, and comment on the social and legal background to these events.


The letter notes that Brazil's churches have "taken note of the inadequacy of the legal system and the overcrowding of prisons. Reforms have been difficult because of cororuption, impunity and lack of political will".


Expressing concern at "the increase of incidences of violence in your country and in the region," Kobia and Altmann refer to the fact that the focus in 2006 of the WCC's Decade to Overcome Violence is Latin America. "We hope - together with the churches of the region - we can conribute to overcoming this scourge of violence that is destroying our societies," the letter says.


Full text of the letter: in English / em Português