News and stories

More than a hundred people from diverse faiths and traditions will participate at the "Critical moment in interreligious dialogue" conference scheduled for 7-9 June 2005 to analyse, assess and review the experience of interreligious collaboration and dialogue as it has been practised over recent decades and might be practised in future.


Grace and peace to you on this Feast of Pentecost 2005, in which we celebrate the many gifts of God’s Spirit!


People going to Brazilian churches these days have the opportunity not only to free themselves of the weight of their sins but also of their weapons and the risks entailed in their possession.


On 10 May, when 500 delegates from all over the world meet in Athens for the opening session of the first world mission conference in the 21st century, many more participants world-wide will be able to join them online.


A memorandum sent today by the World Council of Churches' (WCC) general secretary, Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, to the United Nations secretary-general, Kofi Annan, shares WCC points of view on issues dealt with in Annan's report on reforming the UN.

20. April 05

May 2005

> World youth prepares for mission > Conference on World Mission and Evangelism > Grassroots voices at the 58th World Health Assembly > WCC at the the 30th Kirchentag > Samuel Kobia at Finnish church gathering


The member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) have been invited to make Sunday 24 April a day of memory of the Armenian genocide on its 90th anniversary.


Asia has the potential to become economically prosperous in the near future, but it is also likely to see increasing disparities of health and wealth. These injustices are themselves a form of violence that may in turn lead to yet more expressions of violence in the region. This potential scenario makes the focus on the Asian region in 2005 by the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) all the more relevant.


Nearing its midpoint, the Decade to Overcome Violence is being embraced around the globe. The WCC-sponsored movement has gone on to spotlight a different part of the world each year: In 2004, the focus was the United States. This year, it is Asia.


From 26 March to 2 April World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia will visit WCC member churches in Bangladesh and Thailand for the first time since taking office. On 1 April, he will also be the keynote speaker at the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) general assembly.


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