03.05.07 10:27 Age: 5 yrs

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker


Carl F. von Weizsacker with Netherlands member of parliament, Dr C. L. Patijn at the WCC Central Committee meeting in Denmark in 1958.

"An untiring, credible and enlightened voice for peace" is how World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia refers to German physicist Prof. Dr Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker in a tribute released today.


Von Weizsäcker's death at the age of 94 was announced on 28 April.


Von Weizsäcker's public stance against nuclear weapons after the second world war, his emphasis during the 1970s on protecting creation, and his 1985 appeal for a churches' peace council were decisive in gaining support for the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation programme launched by the WCC in 1983, Kobia says in his tribute.


Full text of the tribute