News and stories

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is convening an international conference called "Churches together for Peace with Justice in the Middle East" in Jordan, 17-21 June. The event will address prospects for peace in Israel and Palestine and launch a new church advocacy forum.


Praying with Jerusalem's Christians, marching to the White House or sponsoring one of 14,609 olive trees are among the activities taking place in "International Church Action for Peace in Palestine and Israel" this week. The initiative is organized by member churches and related organizations of the World Council of Churches to mark 40 years of the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. It involves public activities and...


On Sunday, 3 June, in an ecumenical service held in Jerusalem's St. Stephens Church to mark the anniversary of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, church leaders called for an end to 40 years of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and emphasized the church's commitment to non-violence in the service of peace.


To highlight the urgency of peace in Palestine and Israel after 40 years of occupation, the World Council of Churches (WCC), member churches and related organizations are organizing a week of prayers, seminars and advocacy to mark this June's anniversary of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The goal of the week is to raise awareness in churches and civil society and to impress upon governments the need for new efforts to end the conflict and negotiate...


Christian scholars from Europe and US will discuss peace, justice and security and how they relate to religion, spirituality and healing at an international ecumenical conference on "Forgiveness, peace and reconciliation" to be held 17-20 May 2007 in Volos, Greece. The current situations in Cyprus, Serbia, Russia, Ireland and the Middle East will be amongst case studies considered in a conference section on "Orthodoxy in...


"An untiring, credible and enlightened voice for peace" is how World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia refers to German physicist Prof. Dr Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker in a tribute released today.


The World Council of Churches (WCC) has strongly appealed to the government of Sri Lanka and the rebel organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) "to return to the obligations" of a February 2002 cease fire agreement that both have violated, and to "seek durable solutions to end the fighting that is affecting the lives of so many people".


The World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia has expressed "deep sorrow" over "this new horror of random violence" that took place at Virginia Tech University. To his prayers for the families and the wounded, he adds international church concern for more effective regulation of firearms.


Once again on Friday, 21 September, less than six months from now, churches and communities will be invited to observe an International Day of Prayer for Peace.


Once again on Friday, 21 September, less than six months from now, churches and communities will be invited to observe an International Day of Prayer for Peace.


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