Sri Lanka received the first Living Letters team, 4-12 August 2007
War-torn Sri Lanka received the first of a series of ecumenical Living Letters teams that visit Christian communities facing situations of violence in different regions of the world in the run up to the 2011 International Ecumenical Peace Convocation being organized by the World Council of Churches.
The ecumenical team visited Sri Lanka from 4-12 August and included four church representatives - from the USA, Kenya, Indonesia and South Korea. "Living Letters" is a mission by church representatives to express solidarity with and learn from the peacemaking efforts of local churches.
The programme of the visit included exposure trips to areas in the northern and eastern regions of the country (Mannar, Batticaloa and Jaffna); meetings with church leaders and officials of the National Christian Council; encounters with members of congregations in the country's capital Colombo and other areas and meetings with human rights activists.
Press releases:
Photo gallery
Voices from the Sri Lanka Living Letters:
Download the report (pdf, 330 Kb)