Why a Decade to Overcome Violence?
The eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) held in Harare, Zimbabwe, in December 1998 was not only a time for reflection. It was also a time to redefine goals and objectives as well as face up to new challenges. During the assembly, churches committed themselves to a pilgrimage to seek reconciliation and peace under the banner of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV). The Decade is an effort to overcome the violence of division in our societies and to respond to the yearning for peace and a life of dignity for future generations. The DOV is an invitation to churches, organizations and individuals to join together and work for peace. As such, the Decade is expected to take shape through the involvement and initiatives of the churches. The Decade is also a time for people to share ideas and strategies on how to overcome violence using non-violent techniques. |
Churches to launch the DOV officiallyMore than a thousand people are expected to meet in Berlin, Germany, on Sunday, 4 February 2001, for the official launch of the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV). A worship service at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche will pave the way for a public event at the "Haus der Kulturen der Welt", followed by a candlelight march to the Brandenburg Gate to commemorate the peaceful revolution which led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. This symbolic act will be followed by another: earth from different parts of the world, symbolizing the different forms of violence in each country, will be mixed together in a box. Events in the House of World Cultures During the DOV launch, many cultural activities will take place in the House of World Cultures, which is a forum for the contemporary cultures of Africa, Asia and Latin America. José Ramos-Horta, an advocate for East Timorese independence and winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, will address the public during a presentation on a "Vision for Peace". The moderator of the WCC central committee, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, will present the concerns of the Decade and invite everyone to participate in it. | "Peace to the City Dance"
For more information about the production or for information about hosting the performance in your area, click here or contact media or media
The popular Brazilian theatre, "Peace to the City Dance" from Rio de Janeiro, will be part of the entertainment. The dance group is a modern chamber ballet, which interprets the experiences of cities involved in the Peace to the City campaign in a non-verbal and poetic way.
A cultural youth project "Kreuzberger Musikalische Aktion", which works against violence in a multicultural district of Berlin, will present a break-dance concept of battle-dance as model of conflict solution.
"Wer, wenn nicht wir?" ("Who, if not us?") will be the title of an exhibition of paintings by children and youth centred on violence.
For more information contact: DOV office
The new and the old - The old church was badly damaged during the second world war, on 23 November 1943. After much debate on whether to demolish it, a new church was finally built next to the old one, and consecrated in 1961. The past and the present are thus placed side by side in a stimulating, yet harmonious tension, emphasizing that in a world of violence there can be hope for peace in the future.
Pope Shenouda III His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt and president of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), was awarded the 2000 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-violence, at a ceremony on 16 November 2000. Pope Shenouda was a WCC president from 1991 to 1998. You will find an introduction to the DOV vision and mandate, a DOV prayer, and an explanation of what the logo symbolizes. There are stories and photos on what people and groups around the world are doing to overcome violence, links to the Peace to the City network website and to a growing list of the websites of other local, national and international peace movements. And there is a calendar of DOV-related events and an online form that you can use to let us know what you are doing to overcome violence - so we can share your story with others. | DOV communicator
Much affected by the death of his father, two brothers and two sisters, who were killed during the war in Liberia, George Kollie, a former motor mechanic, is now transforming instruments of death into symbols of peace. With the help of his brother-in-law, George Togba, Kollie is now making small crosses out of cartridges left behind during the war. This craftsmanship has helped them come to terms with the past and work for a non-violent future in Liberia.
George Togba, a former military intelligence officer of the defunct National Patriotic Front of Liberia, says he is no longer prepared to carry arms, but that his mission is to support Liberia's reconstruction efforts.
As a person who previously fought in the Liberian civil war, Togba sees himself as a role model of someone who became a crusader for peace. Making these peace symbols has created employment and income for ten people and their families.
A representative of the cross-makers has been invited to the Berlin DOV launch to give a first-hand account on overcoming violence in a war-torn country. The crosses will be used during the worship service in Berlin.
African theologians commit themselves to work for DOV
Participants of the theological community of the African church and of the African diaspora gathered at Mbagathi, Nairobi, Kenya, 14-18 August 2000, to reflect on their calling and ministry.
The conference noted with approval the forthcoming Decade to Overcome Violence. In their final communiqué, participants committed themselves, among other things, "to work to identify the root causes of violence in our churches and societies, to conscientize our people, and to develop appropriate mechanisms and programmes to deal with this menace".
The participants also identified priority aspects of violence: violence against women and children, including domestic violence, female genital mutilation, ritual murders and accusations of witchcraft.
"We acknowledge and repent of the churches' share in responsibility for all these forms of violence, both by commission and by omission," states the communiqué.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS (January - August 2001) DOV Launches
Event: | DOV International Launch | Contact: | Deenabandhu Manchala |
Event: | DOV Launch-West Africa | Contact: | Mr Baffour Amoa |
Event: | DOV Launch-Southern Africa | Contact: | Rev. David Modiega |
Event: Venue: | DOV Launch-Eastern Africa & Great Lakes Region | Contact: | Mrs Karimi Kinoti |
Event: Venue: | DOV Launch-Rhineland | Contact: | Christine Busch |
Event: Venue: | DOV Launch-Evangelical Church in Baden | Contact: | NB. For all the DOV launches taking place in German churches, please contact: |
Event: Venue: | DOV Launch-Evangelical | ||
Event: Venue: | DOV Launch-Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thuringia | ||
Event: | DOV Launch-Swiss Churches | Contact: | Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches |
Event: | DOV Launch-CLAI Assembly | Contact: | Rev. Israel Batista |
Event: Venue: | U.S Conference Annual Meeting/DOV Launch | Contact: | Philip Jenks |
Event: | DOV Launch-Pacific | Contact: | Rev. Valamotu Palu |
Other related events:
Event: Venue: | Workshop: "Equipping Ourselves to Become Instruments of Peace" | Contact: | Evangelical Church in Rhineland |
Event: Venue: Date: | Second Pan-African Conference on Culture and Religion | Contact: | Circle Liaison Officer |
| International Consultation of Historic Peace Churches | Contact: | Sara Speicher |
Get your DOV-logo now!
The hands in the shape of the heart over the broken earth signify the need as well as the hope of overcoming violence. The yellow earth stands for hope amidst turmoil, while the sharp edges of the green shape emphasize the danger the earth is in. The movement around the earth signifies the dynamism of this global initiative. The logo is available in four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. It is obtainable her or by sending us an e-mail request. Invitation to Christians to a "Lenten Fast From Violence" During Lent 2001, Christians from all traditions are invited to enter into this special period of time with a focus on the growing violence throughout the world and the need for peace and reconciliation. During Lent three spiritual disciplines are uppermost: prayer, fasting and charitable giving. During this period, US Christians are thus invited to: | WCC PUBLICATIONS: AVAILABLE THROUGH THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES BOOK STOREby Robert Herr & Judy Zimmerman Herr by Margot Kässmann WCC Publications, 1997 7-part video series - Book by Dafne Plou OTHER RESOURCES:(Series: Christ sein weltweit) Available from Evangelical Missionswerk in Germany Email: [email protected] All Africa Conference of Churches, 1999 Available from All Africa Conference of Churches Email: aacc (at) maf.org Also at the WCC book store (meeting violence-the churches work to help the powerless) Available from Kirkens Nödhjelp Tel: (+47.22) 09.27.26 INSTITUTIONS AND COURSESP.O. Box 1520 SE-751 45 Uppsala, Sweden Courses: The role of religion in conflict and peace Human rights and economic justicebr> Conflict transformation Palazzo dell'Istruzione Corso Bettini, 84 I-38068 Rovereto, Italy Tel: (+39.464) 42.42.88 Email: iupip (at) inf.unitn.it Courses: three-week courses sponsored by UNESCO and the University of Trento People's diplomacy Non-violence - Human governance - Global solidarity As a communication instrument for DOV, churches in Germany started an e-mail group for sharing of information during the Decade. If you are interested, please subscribe to: gewaltueberwinden-subscribe (at) egroups.de, only in German . |
| Is there hope in a world of violence?In response to the DOV questionnaire on "What are your hopes for the Decade to Overcome Violence?" people answered: That the church becomes a body that genuinely incarnates the peace of Christ rather than actually contributing to the world's brokenness. Cynthia Yuen, Christian Conference of Asia in Hong Kong. To change hearts, minds and behaviours by raising awareness of different forms of violence. Student Christian Movement, Belarus. |
That the DOV will cease all forms of violence, in particular violence due to racism, ethnic hatred, violence among youth, socio-economic violence, violence within the church, home and family. World Vision, India.
That Africa will learn non-violent methods of resolving conflicts, whether they are in our homes, in churches, in communities or global conflicts. DeEhe Wald Beghtol, Mindolo Ecumenical Foundation, Zambia.
To grasp that involvement should start with protecting people from violence. Interchurch Peace Council (IKV), The Hague, Netherlands.
To give stature to mediation as a tool for resolving conflict. Centre de Recherche sur la Médiation, Belgium.
That peace be seen as an active commitment to a non-violent society. Quaker Peace Centre, South Africa.