Worship and prayer resources
World Sunday for Peace, 22 May 2011
On Sunday, 22 May 2011, in a worldwide event, churches in every corner of the world are invited to celebrate God’s gift of peace. Those who take part will be together in spirit, song and prayer with the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) in Jamaica, united in the hope of peace.
As parishes in each time zone gather for worship and prayer on Sunday, 22 May 2011, a wave of praise and prayer for peace will encircle the world. All churches and congregations are invited to use a peace prayer written by the Caribbean hosts of the IEPC in their worship that day.
International Day of Prayer for Peace
During the years of the Decade to Overcome Violence, prayers for the International Day of Prayer for Peace have been collected from a variety of denominations and countries.
Orders of service for peace vigils, a song for peace and a collection of Bible verses for reflection on peace are also part of the resources for the International Day of Prayer for Peace.
Telling Peace
Bible Meditations and Worship Resources
"Telling Peace" is a collection of liturgical resources for the four Sundays of Advent. It is the second of a collection of worship materials from different regions of the world, prepared in the framework of the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation 2011.
The resources for 2009, including four complete worship orders, liturgical texts and songs, come from Asia and were prepared by liturgists and musicians from different Asian regions.
Imagine Peace
Bible Meditations and Worship Resources
"Imagine: Peace" contains suggestions for services on the four Sundays in Advent. It is the first part of a collection of worship material from different regions of the world for the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation 2011.
The bible meditations are invitations to reflect on biblical aspects of peace and overcoming violence. The texts and songs of peace may also be used in contexts other than the Advent season or church services.
A prayer for peace

Morning worship - Monday, March 20, 2006 - Ecumenical Centre, Geneva
On 20 March 2006, a service in commemoration of the third anniversary of the war against Iraq was held at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. After three years, violence continues to severely affect the country. In the middle of the Lent period, the worship was a prayer for peace in Iraq and around the world.
Order of service (106 kb)
Where Shall We Stand? A Reflection on the Iraq War (67 Kb)
Messengers of Peace
Order of service from the international launch of DOV in Berlin (2001)
Available in English, Spanish, French, and German.
Peace to the City! A Song for Peace
Now available on compact disk, music from the Peace to the City Dance, a contemporary chamber ballet sponsored by the World Council of Churches, which is touring the world during the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation and Peace (2001-2010). The ballet was produced in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by Lusmarina Campos Garcia with Marcia Milhazes Dança Contemporanea. This magnificent suite for violin, cello, piano and voice by Brazilian composer Nestor de Hollanda Cavalcanti is performed by Trio Aquarius (Flavio Augusto, piano; Ricardo Amado, violin; Ricardo Santoro, cello) and Juliana Franco, soprano.
Length 55 min.