Purpose of the annual focus of the DOV:
- Encourage churches regionally and locally in their efforts for peace and justice - express solidarity
- Understand the situation and challenges regionally and internationally - move beyond stereotypes
- Celebrate peace and reconciliation work being done in the region - highlight peace and justice
The annual focus highlights a specific region every year. A pertinent theme is developed with the churches of that region so as to promote and structure the study processes around the DOV and to exchange specific experiences and learnings from the region of the focus.
Overview of Annual Foci 2001-2010:
2010: Africa
The annual focus of the final year of the World Council of Churches' Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) is on Africa, with the theme "Work and Pray in Hope for Peace". Read more...
2009: The Caribbean
The Caribbean is a distinct region within the Americas. Focussing on the Caribbean will strengthen and motivate Caribbean churches in their efforts around the DOV. Read more...
2008: Pacific Islands
The Pacific faces its own particular challenges. The assembly of the Pacific Conference of Churches, scheduled for late 2007, will be the opportunity to launch the focus in 2008. Read more...
2007: Europe
Europe anticipates the third European Ecumenical Assembly for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation in 2007. The conjunction with the DOV Focus on Europe will provide strong potential to address various forms of violence in this region. Read more...
2006: Latin America
The DOV Focus on Latin America was launched at the WCC 9th Assembly that took place in Latin America in February 2006. This is a good opportunity to focus on this region, where many issues regarding violence are present. Read more...
2005: Asia
Asia is a vast continent, plural in many ways, the forms of violence, interpersonal and collective, physical, psychological, sexual and deprivation, vary from place to place. Churches, organizations and networks are creatively responding to prevent and overcome violence and to build peace with justice. Read more...
2004: USA
The DOV's US focus aimed at strengthening and resourcing churches and movements working for peace in the USA, encouraging a commitment to mutual accountability, and deepening the churches' understanding of issues such as power, militarism, and community-building. Read more...
2003: Sudan
For the year 2003, the annual theme for the Decade to Overcome Violence was "Healing and Reconciliation"; the geographical focus was on Africa, and Sudan in particular. Read more...
2002: Palestine / Israel
In the context of the Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation and Peace (2001-2010) the World Council of Churches' Executive Committee, meeting in September 2001, called upon member churches and ecumenical partners 'to focus attention in 2002 on intensive efforts to End the Illegal Occupation of Palestine'. Read more...