Focus on Asia
- Asia 2005: Building Communities of Peace for All
"Building Communities of Peace for All" was the theme of the 12th Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia taking place in Chiang Mai, Thailand, April 1-6, 2005. Asia is a vast continent, plural in many ways, the forms of violence, interpersonal and collective, physical, psychological, sexual and deprivation, vary from place to place. Churches, organizations and networks are creatively responding to prevent and overcome violence and to build peace with justice. 2005 will be an opportunity to highlight this work, affirm creative action and encourage close cooperation.
Purpose of the annual focus of the DOV:
- Encourage churches regionally and locally in their efforts for peace and justice - express solidarity
- Understand the situation and challenges regionally and internationally - move beyond stereotypes
- Celebrate peace and reconciliation work being done in the region - highlight peace and justice
The annual focus highlights a specific region every year. A pertinent theme is developed with the churches of that region so as to promote and structure the study processes around the DOV and to exchange specific experiences and learnings from the region of the focus.