Links on the US

US Churches seeking reconciliation and peace...
American Baptist National Ministries Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Church of the Brethren |
Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Serapion's pastoral and prophetic message following the events of September 11. Episcopal ChurchLinks to the peace and justice ministries of the Episcopal Church, including an excellent terrorism response page and a prayer vigil for the Middle East.Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaLinks to the church's decade for a culture of nonviolence, including a pledge of nonviolence. Friends United MeetingThe peace pages of this historic peace church, with links to a wide variety of peace activities and ministries.
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
This is one of the web pages produced by WCC US Conference Member churches.
Mennonite Church USA Peace & Justice Support Network
An invitation to get involved in peacemaking
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
The justice resources of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. The NCCCUSA is addressing the persistent challenge of poverty in the richest nation on earth.
Orthodox Church in America
An page of prayers and photographs on the issues of peace and justice following the September 11 attacks.
Presbyterian Church (USA)
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program provides a variety of resources, events and programs to assist the PC(USA) in responding to the gospel call to "Seek peace and pursue it." Postings include links to resources, stories about local peacemaking efforts, information on the Young Adult Peacemaking Network, United Nations Office, International Peacemakers Program, Interfaith Listening Project, and action suggestions based on PC(USA) policy. "Spiritual Nurture for Peacemakers" provides prayers and a daily lectionary to nurture those who respond to God's call in Christ to be peacemakers.
Reformed Church in America
This page, a response to the issues of September 11, includes a list of resources on Christian relationships with Arabs and Muslims as well as prayer and worship materials on peace activities.
Religious Society of Friends
Friends for a Nonviolent World. A rich compendium of resources on peace activities from a group that has been in the peace business for centuries.
Serbian Orthodox Church
This Office of External Affairs page includes links to many statements and news releases regarding the church's stance on terrorism as well as its response to the NATO bombings of the Balkans.
United Church of Christ
The justice and witness ministries of the UCC, with links to responses and resources on the church's response to terrorism and injustice.
United Methodist Church
Official church statements on violence, interreligious relationships, war and peace, the Arab-Israeli conflict, restorative justice and many other issues focusing on overcoming violence.
Church Based and Denominational Organizations
The following groups may or may not be officially related to the member churches of the World Council of Churches.
Contact them directly for details.
Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
The programs and goals of the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, including calls for action on Afghan relief, on the US decision to pull out of the ABM Treaty, and concerns that the war on terrorism is about to spread, perhaps to Iraq. Excellent sermon preparation materials on peace and a photo album of the group's peace activities around the world.
Churches for Middle East Peace
The work of Churches for Middle East Peace, an ecumenical organization of Christian churches founded in 1984, focuses on Washington in the knowledge that sound United States policy is crucial to achieving and maintaining just and stable relationships throughout the area.
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
To aid and encourage all Episcopalians to strive for justice and peace among all people and to bear nonviolent witness to Christ's call to peace. As a community we are dedicated to discovering and practicing the biblical concept of peace.
Lutheran Peace Fellowship
Lutheran Peace Fellowship (LPF) is a community of Lutherans across the U.S. and around the globe, responding to the gospel call to be peacemakers and justice seekers.
Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a relief, service, and peace agency of the North American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. MCC reflects the biblical call to care for the hungry and thirsty, the stranger, the sick and those in prison.
Orthodox Peace Fellowship
These Web pages contain intellectually satisfying and spiritually gratifying writing, prayers and programs of this influential international organization. Executive Director Jim Forest is a biographer of Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day and author of several books on Orthodox theology, peace concerns and iconography.
Pace E Bene
Group devoted to Peace Education
Interfaith Organizations
Fellowship of Reconciliation
An international interfaith network
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Visit this site for Jewish Peace resources
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Muslim Peace Fellowship is a gathering of peace and justice oriented Muslims of all backgrounds who wish to make the beauty of Islam evident in the world. Past actions have included: Food for Afghanistan; Bosnian Student Project; Campaign for Secure Dwellings in Palestine; Campaign to end Iraqi Sanctions.
Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
Website dedicated to issues in Palestine
Shalom Centre
Jewish organization devoted to "worlds of action, worlds of spirit." Commentary on events, prayer reources and links.
More Peace Organizations
The following groups or conferences are promoting related work around peace concerns but may or may not be faith-based.
An initiative aimed at building partnerships for sustainable development with a summit this year
Every Church A Peace Church
Network for Churches applying peace ideals to their life together
Global Exchange
Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting political, social and environmental justice globally. Since our founding in 1988, we have been working to increase global awareness among the U.S. public while building partnerships around the world.
Human Rights Watch
Group dedicated to advocacy around human rights issues
Institute for Peace and Justice
A great page for liturgical resources, children's resources and other areas of interest
Peace Connection
Peace Connection is coordinating effective action to stop war & cultivate peace. On this website you can find a list of links that will help you quickly to get up to speed on the who, what, when, where and whys of grassroots efforts to stop war, so you can do your piece for peace.
An organization promoting values "at the crossroads where spirituality, politics and culture meet." Many resources available.
Students United for a Responsible Global Environment started at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998 and has grown to a national network. Among the concerns this network has addressed are the Middle East conflict, the sanctions on Iraq and the School of the Americas.
The Latin American Working Group
Published a new resource called "We will be known by the company we keep"
The Other Side
They are a lively, bimonthly, ecumenical magazine. Since 1965, they have been advancing a healing Christian vision -- a vision grounded in the redeeming ways of God.
United for Peace and Justice
United for Peace & Justice aims to publish anti-war news and information that will be of use to peace activists all over the United States and the world.